Understand Mobile Mode and Network Mode
Many of Itron's meters and ERT modules are multi-mode capable devices, meaning they have the ability to communicate through more than one communication standard, or, mode. These devices require signed authorizations and key command exchanges before you can use Field Tools to switch them between communication modes. If you haven't already read about meter and ERT security levels and key exchanges, you can find more information about that in Understand Meter and ERT Security Levels.
Itron multi-mode capable devices can operate in a single communication mode at a time, either Mobile Mode or Network Mode:
- Mobile Mode (). While operating in Mobile Mode, meters and ERTs use SCM+ communication standards to transmit data. Security levels for these devices may be configured at any of those that are available: Ready to secure, Command Security, or Full Security (for more information see Understand Meter and ERT Security Levels).
Network Mode (). While operating in Network Mode, meters and ERTs communicate with the headend system (HES) and other network devices. It does so using COSEM communication standards to transmit its data. Meters and ERTs operating in Network Mode always operate at a secure level, requiring signed authorization to temporarily unlock it before you can use Field Tools to perform nearly any type of work on it.
When viewing a multi-mode capable device in the Field Tools Endpoints list or on the device's Task Menu, an icon indicates if the device is in Mobile Mode or Network Mode. Alternatively, the auto-detect icon () indicates that Field Tools will query the device for its communication mode when you start a task on it. You can manually select the device's mode from the Endpoints list. For more information, expand Selecting Communication Modes for a Multi-Mode Capable Device, below.
Important! At present, Field Tools supports several multi-mode capable ERTs and meters, so long as they are operating in Mobile Mode. You can even use Field Tools to switch multi-mode capable devices out of Mobile Mode and into Network Mode (provided you have the necessary permissions and security materials). However, some devices operating in Network Mode—even those you've switched into Network Mode using Field Tools—may require FDM Tools for further management.
From the Endpoints menu, locate the ERT or meter you want to set the communication mode for.
Tap the Select Mode icon () or, if the meter or ERT's mode has already been set to one mode or the other, you can tap the mode icon.
Tap the mode you want to set the mode to.
The icon next to the meter or ERT changes to reflect the communication mode you selected.